that the next generations may know, honor, and treasure God, setting their hope in Christ alone, so that they will live as faithful disciples for the glory of God and follow him completely.
to inspire and equip the children about God's Word so they can know and trust Jesus, grow into strong believers, influencing generations to come.
The purpose of this ministry is the foundation for lifelong learning and growth toward a mature and vital faith.
With intentional learning and Christian formation, we become the people God calls us to be, and we develop gifts and strengths for encouraging and leading others to the same strong faith.
As teachers and leaders our role is to provide a biblical foundation on which children build a life of learning and growth toward a mature and vital faith. We are a family focused church, which is why it is essential for us to include our kids in the way we do church.
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6 (NIV)
grow - serve
& share
Our ministry exists to bring children
into age-appropriate WORSHIP where they can
BELONG to the family of God,
GROW in their relationship with Christ,
learn to SERVE and then go
SHARE Christ in the world!
INGUAL CHURCH Bilingual Church Manteca California. Iglesia cristiana en Manteca California. Iglesia hispana Manteca CA. Hispanic Church Manteca, California.
CREE BILINGUAL CHURCH Bilingual Church Manteca California. Iglesia cristiana en Manteca California. Iglesia hispana Manteca CA. Hispanic Church Manteca, California.